Tech for young people

Promoting increased self confidence and friendships across cultures through technology

We are looking for funding

To deliver our Tech Club for Hard to reach children. Also if you are a Tech based company or a community centre or charity and looking to partner with us please contact us.

Young people learning tech

Children getting coding lessons and hands on support in practical lab environment

Funded by
In the past this project was funded by BBC Children in need, Mayor of London's office and Asper's Good Cause Fund. We are looking for new funding to relaunch this project.

Learning tech with an outcome

A young maker with her 3D printed model

Young people learning stop animation

Future education in tech

Children can see the future further education in the industry which will help them get high paid jobs and break the cycle of poverty faced by their parents. Our project will provide a space for young people to learn the basics of games, applications, which academics say is really easy for our children to learn if right teaching, material and opportunity is given. 

With expertise, resources, safe and relaxing environment this is a real positive outcome for us. We will be able to close or at least reduce the attainment gaps for children in poverty.

Tech for young people


From a young age

Young people from 6 years + are invited to discover and try new technologies

Learn & imagine

Learn programming, 3D/2D Digital Skills , Animation and 3D modelling, experiment with virtual reality, circuits and robots, explore STEAM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics)

Opening avenues

After-school activities that support hard to reach children. Our project offers trust and opportunity to children who experience little of this. 

What children can explore

3D model & design, scanning & printing

DTP & graphic design

Web design & development

Games design & development

Video, VFX & multimedia design

Makercraft & Electronics

Coding / Robotics & 101 Core Skills Training

VR/AR/MR, (immersive Tech)

  • Skills Enterprise
    Aston-Mansfield Community Centre
    1 Toronto Avenue, Manor Park
    London E12 5JF
    (Near ManorPark Library - opposite to Mina Stores)
  • Registered Charity No: 1120 254
    Site by - StartNow.Digital
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