Empowering women

A safe space for women to get involved - encouraging young women to understand, celebrate and participate in democracy and public life, using digital as an enabler

Voicebox Cafés project

We joined in marking 100 years of the women’s vote with the Women’s Centenary funded Voicebox Cafés project.

Together, we have discovered a scalable way to unleash the energy and talents of young women leaders of the future. Voicebox Cafés has demonstrated its potential to grow and continue to empower a new more diverse generation of kind and thoughtful political and civic leaders. A glimmer of hope for the future in these uncertain political times!

The power to do


The power to do

Our Voice Box Café project aims to provide safe, creative and well facilitated spaces to engage with women,
enabling them to explore democracy and their own power to support, challenge and change.

From setting up e-petitions to forming a party manifesto, our Voice Box Café, enabled an incredible amount
of learning over a year. 90% of participants said they have a better understanding of democracy in the UK
and 84% said they were likely to take some part in the democratic process, from voting, to attending
democratic forums, to standing for election as a councillor. However, during the year we placed this project
on hold, temporarily due to lack of funding.

Integrated approach

We delivered the project using a blended community and digital approach which was integrated right across the project from the learning resources to social media campaigns. It provided invaluable tools to help the participants’ voices reach more people, and offered opportunities for spread and scale. Women learned about the value of connecting with local MPs, influencers and online political materials such as e-petitions.

Reaching all

Voicebox Cafes supported women to build their own and each other’s confidence in speaking out on issues that matter to them and discover how to use their democratic voice to the full. Reaching deep into local communities, our project focused on women who have traditionally not engaged in democracy and civil life to enable them to join forces and amplify their voice.


39 women were involved and the percentage who understand democratic processes increased from 27% to 92%, and the percentage who are likely to participate in democratic processes increased from 28% to 85%.
  • Skills Enterprise
    Aston-Mansfield Community Centre
    1 Toronto Avenue, Manor Park
    London E12 5JF
    (Near ManorPark Library - opposite to Mina Stores)
  • Registered Charity No: 1120 254
    Site by - StartNow.Digital
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